lunes, 6 de abril de 2009


i am completely stuck. dunno what to do.

last time i had critic i had defined quite clearly where the program was, in plan and section, and how the communications related to each other.

i dont know at what point i decided to start from scratch. i mean, not completely from scratch (obviously for 2 reasons:

1- "never throw a project away, make it evolve"

2- i would've been completely out of my mind)

i guess it was because of the problem of the area (yeah... couldnt let it go unnoticed as id have wanted) and the structure.

apparently i cant just lie on the buildings and trust their structure to work well for the additional weight.

so this has caused a revision of the geometry, and means the "parasite" is not going to parasite bone anymore, which essentially sucks. it is against the core of the thing.

anyway i figured i can reinforce the existing structure from the outside and go up from there. it would cling to the facade in order not to bend to one or the other side because of the weight. from these "legs" there can be an entirely separate structure, a platform that holds whatever is above.

it is kind of what oiza did with the bbva because of the train tunnel that was below.

thats a very good idea, in fact. i dont know how it works, i think it had to do with pre-tensed concrete.

so lets say a platform for the first level (9? 13?) and from there all the richness i want in the path. i dont know. somehow it feels fake.

then i have the problem of the bathrooms and supplies in general. common sense tells me there have to be "anchor points" with bathrooms and hangout-little cafe kind of commerce not very far from each office.

what is the criteria? where does the water come from?

i thought maybe they could be linked to main support cores... but since im just reinforcing the structure outside there are none. where then? where the existent cores break through? -that would be good if i knew which ones im going to keep and which i just go above...

i used to think letting all the cores show through and articulate the space was simplistic, and that i had to choose some to connect to the ground and some "blind" ones. ok. but as a geometric developer they helped me so much, so i think im keeping them. i will just not open them, let them be like huge opaque courtyards, or big pilars, whtever one sees...

i developed a path with the geometry of a highway. it was so beasutiful. structurally impossible though. i dont know whether to go to the critic with my stuff having not thought about structure and see what the critic says (hes supposed to be specialized in that). that would be easier. im so stuck right now with my pilars and my blablabla.

the highway was so aerodynamic. i lost this, but i guess the principle remains. that is: the flow of people defines where the program is and how its related to the path. it is a mall to be walked by.

it is probably a good idea to let the level rise and fall a little bit.... say a couple or three floors up or down. that way it is not so dramatic when it gets to a 9th or 6th floor. 9 floors of difference vs. 5-6 is quite considerable. 6 floors vs. 3 is quite much. i will try to work more on this (and end up with ramps, like 40% of the class!! yeha!)

i had this crazy idea today of making the path a tube and the program going from there tubes that superpose to the first. it would be powerful, in fact. i might consider it more seriously. plus, i would get the ultra-pure geometric approach theyre always asking for.

i have to work in transversal section first. i am lost!

then i can see how separated one and other parts are and fit it into the plan. the curves in plan nd section have to talk to each other.

first same size circles.

then difference program - path

then difference between programs

then difference between paths

ahhhhhhh...... wtf

worst timing ever. im going to lyon on wednesday and i cant have a critic, neither on thursday... its tomorrow or never - and i bet i dont have much to correct tomorrow.

(un) happy easter everyone

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